Dispersion Modeling Audits: Representation Accuracy

Remember how we used to shop in an actual store. Remember going to the video store for tapes and/or DVDs. Think of how things are now. Those changes did not occur overnight. Also, the way these companies started out is not at all the way they ended up being today.

Amazon sold books. Netflix sent DVDs through the mail, the USPS. They both started with a familiar idea that was implemented in a slightly different way and then evolved over time. Amazon now runs the platform to sell nearly everything imaginable and internet cloud services. Netflix now streams video of movies and TV series and produces its own full-length movies and programming in its own studios.

We really don’t dream of NaviKnow being the next Amazon or Netflix. We do have a vision of where we would like to take things, but it is not practical to go there all at once. That is why Amazon and Netflix have been so successful. They evolved over time.

We do recognize some solvable problems in our sector of expertise, and are providing solutions to those problems. These solutions, NK Tools, are a bit different from those that are already out there, but they are familiar enough as to not scare anyone. Once these tools are more widely used and become trusted, the products will be replaced with those that have more features and capability.

To move from one step of the evolutionary process to the next, we need your input. We encourage you to view the free courses demonstrating some of the NK Tools. These tools were developed to standardize and expedite the regulatory review process for dispersion modeling analyses, for the applicant and the regulator.

Most air quality regulatory agencies review dispersion modeling analyses (model input and output files and associated reports) completely manually. They have no tools available to assist them, until now.

Many air permitting consultants have staff dedicated to QA/QC a dispersion modeling analysis and report before it is submitted to a regulatory agency. Like with the regulator that will receive the analysis, the review is completely manual, scrolling through dozens of files looking at a jumble of numbers.

The three NK Tools available (one for model input files, a second for BPIPPRM input, and a third for model results), process EVERY last value in ALL files selected by the user, then tell the user which discrepancies exist. Why spot check a number here and a number there when you can have them ALL checked? Also, if you have to go to court to defend those numbers, how certain are you the spot checking found all the errors?

Our call to action is simple: contact us (naviknow@naviknow.com), ask for the NK Tools, try out the tools, and then provide us with feedback. The tools are free to use. Your feedback is priceless.

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